Our LUCINE 'Moonlight' bouquet.
A selection of crisp classical whites and fresh greens. Included in this bouquet is Avalanche Rose, Viburnum Gelda, Lilac, Lisianthus and scented Stocks, surrounded by beautiful seasonal foliage (vase not included, bouquet size shown is 'Eclipse').
Half Moon £45
Full Moon £60
Eclipse £80
Total Eclipse £100
Available for same day delivery if ordered by 12.00 pm.
Delivery costs vary by location, please select your delivery option at checkout
In-store Collection - Free of Charge
KT11 - £6.5
KT10, KT13 - £7.50
KT12 - £8.50
GU21, GU1 - £15
KT24 - £8.5
KT22 - £7.5
KT23 - £9
KT7, KT8, GU22 ,GU23 - £10
KT14 - £9.5
KT15 - £11
KT9 - £10.50
KT16, KT17, KT18, KT5 - £12
TW16- £15
KT3 - £13
GU4, KT1, GU21, TW17 - £12
RH4, SW19 - £20
Lucine White Bouquet
Our bespoke bouquets are hand made by one of the Moonflower Team.
The picture shows an example of the bouquet, you can expect to receive a bouquet including seasonal flowers similar in colour, style and texture.
Available in a selection of sizes, the picture shown is an example of size “Eclipse”. Vase not included.