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The MOONFLOWER bouquet.


This luscious mixed rose bouquet is sure to WOW any loved one. Our signature MOONFLOWER bouquet includes a variety of Roses and Spray Rose’s enveloped amongst beautiful foliage.

If you would like to order a different colour combination, please call the Moonflower Team.


Available for same day delivery if ordered by 12.00 pm.


Full Moon        £100

Eclipse            £120

Total Eclipse    £150


Delivery costs vary by location, please select your delivery option at checkout


In-store Collection - Free of Charge

KT11 - £6.5

KT10, KT13 - £7.50

KT12 - £8.50

GU21, GU1 - £15

KT24 - £8.5

KT22 - £7.5

KT23 - £9

KT7, KT8, GU22 ,GU23 - £10

KT14 - £9.5

KT15 - £11

KT9 - £10.50

KT16, KT17, KT18, KT5 - £12

TW16- £15

KT3 - £13

GU4, KT1, GU21, TW17 - £12

RH4, SW19 - £20

Moonflower All Rose Bouquet

  • Our bespoke bouquets are hand made by one of the Moonflower Team.


    The picture shows an example of the bouquet, you can expect to receive a bouquet including seasonal flowers similar in colour, style and texture.

    Available in a selection of sizes, the picture shown is an example of size “Eclipse”. Vase not included.

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